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2025-2026學年收生程序 (幼兒班K1)


2022年12月31日或之前出生 (2025年9月入學時滿2歲8個月)


  • ​親臨本校索取紙本申請表  

  • 下載 紙本申請表  

  • 按此 ​填寫電子申請表 


  • 親臨或郵寄​​至本幼稚園 (請連同其他所需文件交回本園)

  • ​網上遞交電子申請



  1. 證件相一張 (交表前約2個月的近照)

  2. 出生證明書副本

  3. 免疫注射記錄副本

  4. 報名費付款證明 (例如:入數紙)

  5. 回郵信封3個及$2.2郵票3個






家長可直接前往中國銀行分行或自動櫃員機 ATM繳費,恕不接受現金。



  • 面見日期:2024年11月9日(星期六)

  • 所有報讀本校的幼兒均可獲安排面見。

  • ​家長須陪同幼兒參與面見。

  • ​本園會協助非華語學童進行面試,如需要傳譯/翻譯服務,請致電2885 9168與本園聯絡。

  • ​本園會於2024年11月下旬以郵寄方式通知取錄結果。


  1. 申請人面見表現

  2. 申請人的兄/姊現正於本園就讀

  3. 申請人的兄/姊/父/母為本園畢業生




  1. 正選生:取錄之新生家長須於「全港幼稚園統一註冊日」(2025年1月2-4日)帶同25/26註冊證正本及註冊費到校辦理註冊手續,逾期未有辦理,作放棄學位論。

  2. 備取生:本校如有學額,將於2025年1月5日起順序以電話個別通知備取生辦理註冊入學手續。

  3. 如家長在註冊後打算轉校,可到本校取回註冊證。家長取回註冊證後,本校不會再為學生保留學位及不會退還註冊費。


  • 半日班:$970.00

  • 全日班$1,570.00 

如有任何查詢,歡迎致電本園2885 9168 與副主任 聯絡。


2025-2026 School Year Admission Procedure (K1)


Born before 31 December 2022 (Aged 2 years and 8 months in September 2025)

Collection of Application Forms:(No Quota)

  • Obtain from school in person  or

  • Download from school website  or

  • Click Here for Online application 

Return of Application Forms:(No Quota)

  • Submit the application form in peron / By post (together with the documents required)

  • Online submittion


   Documents Required:​

  1. Passport Photo (A recent photo within 2 months)

  2. Copy of the Birth Certificate

  3. Copy of Vaccination Card

  4. Receipt of application fee

  5. Addressed Envelope X 3 (with $2.2 stamp)


   Application  is opened throughout the year.

Application Fee:



Parent can use Cash Payment at BOC and ATM Bill Payment Service to settle the fees.

School does not accepted Cash Payment.

[School Bank Account:012-875-1-241810-5]

Interview Arrangements:

  • Date:9 November 2024 (Saturday)

  • The kindergarten will arrange interview for all applicants.

  • ​Parents should accompany their child for the interview.

  • ​Teacher will assist the non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students during the interview if needed. Please contact us at 2885 9168 if interpretation / translation service is required.

  • ​Admission result will be sent by post at the end of November 2024.

Admission Criteria:

  1. Interview performance

  2. The applicant with sibling(s) currently studing in our kindergarten

  3. The applicant's parents(s) or sibling(s) graduated from our kindergarten

Application for the "2025/26 Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission"

Parents are required to submit an application for the "2025/26 Registration Certificate for Kindergarten Admission" (hereafter referred as "25/26 RC") to EDB from September to November 2024.

Registration Arrangements:

  1. Successful applicants: Parents should complete the registration procedures for their child during the Centralized Registration Dated (2 to 4 January 2025) by submitting the original of the "25/26 RC" to the kindergarten and paying the registration fee. Late registration will be deemed as giving up the school place.

  2. Applicants on the waiting list: If there are available spots, the kindergarten will notify the reserve applicants by phone in order to complete the registration process for admission, starting from 5 January 2025.

  3. If parents decide to change school after registration, the kindergarten will return the "RC" but the registration fee will not be refunded, and the kindergarten will no longer keep the school place for the child.

Registration fee:

  • Half-day Class: $970.00

  • Whole-day Class: $1,570.00 

Please feel free to call us by 2885 9168 if you have any enquiry​

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